
中国欧亚商务理事会主席Chyngyz Sher在哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳组织了一次重要会议。会上,Kazlogistics总经理塔尔加特·列索夫与全球物流联盟(GLA)主席Grace Sun进行了会谈。Grace Sun女士此次专程前往阿斯塔纳,参加了6月28日举行的上海合作组织实业家委员会及商业论坛。
Chyngyz Sher, President of the China-Eurasian Business Council, organized an important meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan. The meeting brought together Talgat Lesov, General Director of Kazlogistics, and Grace Sun, President of the Global Logistics Alliance (GLA). Ms. Grace Sun visited Astana to attend the SCO Business Council meeting on June 28.
   At the SCO Business Council, both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster future cooperation and efficient work between China and Central Asia and other countries.


🌐 关于全球物流联盟(GLA)

全球物流联盟(GLA)是一个国际组织,汇集了全球领先的物流公司和专业人士。GLA网络覆盖170个国家,拥有超过7000家物流公司。该联盟提供全面的物流和电子商务解决方案,帮助企业扩展业务,促进成员间的合作。GLA致力于推动物流流程的发展和优化,提供物流、运输和供应链管理方面的支持和咨询服务。Grace Sun女士是物流行业公认的领导者,拥有丰富的工作经验和卓越的管理和优化物流操作的成就。

🌐 About Global Logistics Alliance (GLA)

The Global Logistics Alliance (GLA) is an international organization uniting leading logistics companies and professionals. GLA’s network spans 170 countries with over 7,000 member companies. This alliance provides comprehensive logistics and e-commerce solutions, offering resources for business expansion and fostering partnerships among its members. GLA promotes the development and optimization of logistics processes, providing support and consultancy in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. Ms. Grace Sun is a recognized leader in the logistics industry, with extensive experience and outstanding achievements in managing and optimizing logistics operations.

🚛 关于Kazlogistics

   Kazlogistics是一个致力于推动哈萨克斯坦物流行业发展的联盟。双方在会议中探讨了与物流公司合作开展大型运输和物流项目的可能性,以及在开发和应用先进物流技术和供应链管理系统方面的投资机会。Grace Sun女士还表示愿意在物流和供应链管理领域分享经验和技术,并在哈萨克斯坦的物流企业中应用GLA的创新解决方案。


🚛 About Kazlogistics

   Kazlogistics is an alliance dedicated to advancing the logistics industry in Kazakhstan. During the meeting, the parties discussed potential partnerships with logistics companies for large-scale transportation and logistics projects and investment opportunities in developing and implementing advanced logistics technologies and supply chain management systems. Ms. Grace Sun also expressed her readiness to share experience and technology in logistics and supply chain management and to implement GLA’s innovative solutions in Kazakhstan’s logistics enterprises.

The meeting also saw the participation and support of Kayyrbolat Sakhmetov, President of the Astana Diplomatic Club.

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An innovative vertical campus, the Boston University Centerbbfor Computing & Data Sciences defines iconic and unique —and also sustainable.

The 19-story, 350,000-square-foot structure will become the tallest building on a dense urban campus, will be the largest fossil-fuel-free building in Boston, designed to achieve LEED Platinum upon completion, and incorporates several innovative approaches in design and construction to minimize its environmental impact. Designed by renowned Canadian architecture firm KPMB, the tower’s setting above the podium mitigates its impact on the busy street and aligns it with other buildings along Commonwealth Avenue. The series of floorplates that make up the building are shifted and cantilevered around a central core to create neighborhoods for each department within the tower.

The cantilevered and stepped massing plays into the building’s sustainability benefits, as it forms balconies and green roofs that allow occupants fresh air and stunning views of the city. The building’s interior design plays a sustainability role as well, with “irresistible staircases” that offer unique terraces in the atrium and breathtaking views of the city. The goal: invite people to walk up the stairs rather than take the elevator, promoting physical health and energy reductions. One of the largest components of the building’s sustainable construction are the geothermal bores, a system that is essential for BU’s Climate Action Plan goal of net zero emissions by 2040. BU’s goals also put the university ahead of Carbon Free Boston, the city’s pledge to be carbon neutral by 2050. Suffolk’s team drilled and installed a total of 31 bores, each 1,500 feet deep, which will harness the thermal capacity of the earth for heating and cooling and eliminate the need to connect the building to a gas line.

Due to space constraints on the urban site, the bores needed to go much deeper than a typical geothermal system — which is typically about 500 feet — to achieve the expected 300 tons of heating and cooling capacity for the 19-story building. At that depth, groundwater and rock formation plays a significant role in the verticality of the drilled borehole. Skillings & Sons, an experienced drilling subcontractor, controlled the verticality of the bores and kept all tolerances within five percent.

Locating the bores so they didn’t interfere with the building footprint was another challenge. The team successfully located 27 of the bores outside the footprint, with the remaining four bores falling underneath the building. Locating most of the bores outside of the building footprint kept the project on schedule, and limiting the number of bores beneath the foundation mat slab meant less impact to the deep foundation excavation activities.

The nearest neighboring building was just 15 feet away from the bore drilling. To mitigate disruption to abutting neighbors, our team distributed a two-week look ahead schedule and logistics plan every week to the neighboring buildings. Suffolk also posted regular updates on the project website to keep neighbors informed about upcoming drilling activities and held multiple Town Hall meetings with students and faculty who live and work near the site. These Town Hall meetings gave abutters the opportunity to become familiar with the project, meet the team and ask questions.

In design, sustainability, and programming, the BU Center for Computing & Data Sciences marks the future of construction in higher education. The building is scheduled for completion by the end of 2022.


Locating the bores so they didn’t interfere with the building footprint was another challenge. The team successfully located 27 of the bores outside the footprint, with the remaining four bores falling underneath the building. Locating most of the bores outside of the building footprint kept the project on schedule, and limiting the number of bores beneath the foundation mat slab meant less impact to the deep foundation excavation activities.

1 Comment
May 3, 2023

The cantilevered and stepped massing plays into the building’s sustainability benefits, as it forms balconies and green roofs that allow occupants fresh air and stunning views of the city.

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