
CEBC访问主席Chyngyz Sher圣彼霖访问生物圈三号·大梅沙万科中心碳中和实验园区 | Biosphere 3

在他最近的深圳之行中,中国欧亚商业理事会主席Chyngyz Sher参观了生物圈三号·大梅沙万科中心碳中和实验园区。这个创新项目以其在清洁能源、绿色建筑原则和可持续实践方面的卓越整合而闻名,体现了环境技术和城市发展的前沿。

On his recent visit to Shenzhen, Chyngyz Sher, President of the China-Eurasian Business Council (CEBC), toured the innovative Biosphere 3 – Dameisha Vanke Center Carbon Neutral Experimental Zone. This cutting-edge project, known for its remarkable integration of clean energy, green building principles, and sustainable practices, reflects the forefront of environmental technology and urban development.

项目概述: 生物圈三号位于深圳市盐田区大梅沙,面积达122,060平方米,是实现碳中和和可持续城市生活的重要一步。该项目分三个阶段完成,始于2022年5月,并在2022年10月完成了一期改造。改造内容包括微电网系统、生物多样性项目、零废物循环机制和智慧运营系统,目标是实现整个社区的全面碳中和。





Project Overview: Biosphere 3, located in Dameisha, Shenzhen, covers an area of 122,060 square meters and represents a major step forward in carbon neutrality and sustainable urban living. The project, completed in three phases, began in May 2022 and reached its first milestone in October 2022. The transformation includes a microgrid system, biodiversity projects, zero waste recycling mechanisms, and smart operational systems, aiming to achieve comprehensive carbon neutrality across the community.

Key Highlights:

Clean Energy Utilization: The center has achieved an 85% renewable energy utilization rate and is expected to reach 100% upon full completion.

Carbon Reduction: The project has successfully reduced carbon emissions by 752 tons and achieved a 93% overall carbon reduction rate.

Sustainable Living: The experimental zone promotes a green and low-carbon lifestyle, incorporating biodiversity and sports health into its community model.

   未来前景: 生物圈三号不仅是中国的先锋项目,未来还将其影响力扩展到深圳以外的城市和国家。Chyngyz Sher的访问强调了国际合作在可持续发展中的重要性。中国欧亚商业理事会正积极探索在中亚及其他地区开展类似项目的可能性,推动符合全球碳中和目标的合作。随着项目的不断发展,它将成为中国与欧亚国家之间未来合作的典范,提升城市宜居性和可持续发展。

    奖项和认可: 生物圈三号荣获了众多奖项,包括联合国工业发展组织全球零碳城市创新典范奖(铂金奖)、深圳市首批近零碳排放示范建筑认证,并入选国家气候投融资重点项目库。


    Future Prospects: Biosphere 3 is not only a pioneer in China but is also expanding its influence beyond Shenzhen, aiming to set standards in other cities and countries. Chyngyz Sher’s visit underlines the importance of international cooperation in sustainability. The CEBC is keen on exploring similar projects in Central Asia and beyond, fostering partnerships that align with global carbon neutrality goals. As the project continues to evolve, it will serve as a model for future collaborations between China and Eurasian countries, enhancing urban livability and sustainable development.

    Awards and Recognition: Biosphere 3 has garnered numerous accolades, including the United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s Global Zero Carbon City Innovation Award (Platinum), certification as one of Shenzhen’s first near-zero carbon emission demonstration buildings, and inclusion in the national climate investment and financing key project database.

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